Friday, June 5, 2009

Rats, Sickness and Starvation, Oh My!

I will avoid going into detail about the last three weeks at my site. Most of what I would have said would highly resemble complaints and would reflect badly on my host family. The truth is that my living situation has been difficult and the lack of cell phone signal and transportation has not allowed me to work as an effective volunteer. I am happy to report that I will be moving into the town of Pedro Santana into a house with a kind woman. I owe a huge thanks to my stepdad who told me, “If you don’t like your situation and people aren’t treating you well, change it.”

The next day, I packed for a long day and headed out on foot to town. I talked to a development worker who I just barely knew and by the end of the day, I had a new situation where I will be healthier, happier, and more able to work productively. Although I am fighting off waves of guilt and insecurity about my toughness, I can live with being a pansy! I will be visiting the campo frequently to carry out a community diagnostic and keep the connections and friendships I have made.

Today, I am sitting in the air conditioned Peace Corps office in the capital, loving every minute of it. I will be off to a small Haitian community for a weeklong basic Creole training. When I go back, I will make the move. New house, new friends and nutrition here I come! Woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad your living situation will be better. I like that you have listed the books you are reading. Which one has been your favorite?
