Living in the Dominican Republic for the past 21 months has been a learning experience. While the view I have gotten of the states has not become more positive or negative, it has certainly changed. Seeing America through my Dominican friends and websites like CNN has given it a clarity that it previously lacked. Another factor is that I also think a lot more. Riding on the bus, dreaming about muffins and hot showers, I have to also ponder wealth discrepancies and resource use. Eating carrot cake and lounging in a living room watching TV with constant electricity sounds fantastic but what it comes with can be scary.
The Number One Nation
I am so proud to be from the US.
Apple pie and Big Macs are the best.
I ride high and cool in an SUV
Because I like the space it gives me.
People say they take a lot of gas,
But I say, suck my humongous ass.
Environmentalists are so depressing
With all their stupid resource stressing.
I like to be blind to anything bad.
The stories in the news could make me sad.
I will worry about what I please
Such as diabetes, my damn disease.
It means I need a lot of snacks
Like those sweet hundred calorie packs.
With loads of packaging, so pretty and fun
They're really small, like a taste and then done.
I love the support technology lends;
Status updates, videos and Facebook friends.
We can chat all day on my iPhone,
So in my big body I don't feel alone.
I keep internet and chips at my seat
Assured I don’t have to get to my feet.
On my couch with my food and clicker,
I can block out my kids getting sicker.
With high cholesterol and ADHD,
The kids are really starting to annoy me.
They say it's the crap in what we eat,
The preservatives, sugar and all that meat,
That makes us fat and makes us ill.
I say, shut up and give me a pill.
Over half of us are overweight,
So it’s not my fault; it’s just fate.
Obesity, chronic illness, weight loss cash,
Eating disorders, fuel consumption, and all that trash,
Health care costs and environmental degradation,
I live in the number one nation!
We are first in everything we do,
As we soar our red, white and blue.
I am truly proud to be from the US.
Everything American is the biggest and best.
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